Society has taught us that when we have a question, we should "Google it." For example, when we heard that Kristen Stewart cheated on her vampire boyfriend (for shame!), we immediately go to Google or similar search engine, or when we have a national tragedy, like the horrific Colorado shooting, our eager minds want to find out more information and immediately we go online. Well, the same goes for pregnancy. When I have a weird feeling, symptom, or other odd pregnancy things happening to me, I am somehow drawn to the World Wide Web (WWW). And I'll tell you what I've learned: You can only believe a VERY small fraction of what you read!
Believe it or not, out of the TONS of things I've read online, it seems like there's ALWAYS someone or some site that is telling me if I don't get it checked out, either I or the baby will suffer horribly. Come on people, do you really believe that my headache is probably a brain aneurism, or my stomach ache is more than likely a life threatening placental abruption? I really feel sorry for those women that read these articles and immediately head to the ER, only to be told it's gas or constipation (how embarrassing for them).
I've also come across many websites that have a forum set up, in which moronic women are posting comments such as, "I'm five months pregnant and I'm bleeding so much and it won't stop. What should I do?" Well, "LilMama2012," I'll tell you what you need to do: GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL!! By the time it took you to log on to your computer, find the forum online, and post the question, you probably could have made it to the hospital. (And who knows how long you have to sit there to wait for some highly unqualified stranger to respond - Chances are the respondents are probably a 500lb man living in his mother's basement or a 12 year old that thinks they know everything.)
I don't mean to blame Google for some people's stupidity, but it does allow for women/hypochondriacs to receive false information. Ladies, you're pregnant. What did you expect? No one ever said pregnancy was easy. There is A LOT going on with our bodies, and a lot of it doesn't feel very good! You just need to learn to deal with it!!
Now, I do agree that what you read online could be true. Yes, SOMETIMES sharp abdominal pain COULD be placental abruption or gallstones or some other problem that must be addressed, but don't jump to conclusions! You shouldn't rely on the WWW to diagnose yourself; that's why we have doctors! Let them give you a thorough examination before you freak out! :-)
I'm sure you're now wondering, "Well, Sandy, how do YOU know these sites are there, unless YOU have been that moronic pregnant woman looking for answers?" The answer is yes, I HAVE been that woman. I have looked up different symptoms that I've experienced. Lucky for me, I have common sense. I basically look at these sites to put my mind at ease knowing that other pregnant women are having the same problems/issues.
July 17, 2012: 29 weeks pregnant |