Thursday, November 8, 2012

Avery's First Month

I'm sorry it's been so long since my last post, but I've been a little busy lately. ;-) Although it seems like all she does is eat, sleep and poop, Avery has been occupying a lot of my time!  The first month was fairly uneventful, but here's what happened:


Since we've been home from the hospital, we've had a lot of diaper changes, even more feedings, and SO much laundry, just to name a few! We gave Avery her first sponge bath after her first doctor appointment on September 14th. We gave it to her in the laundry room, since it was the warmest room in the house! Two weeks later, as we were getting Avery ready for yet another soonge bath, her umbilical cord stump fell off, so we were able to give her her first real bath!! Another milestone that happened the first month was on October 2nd, she slept for 4 straight hours, which was awesome because she'd been feeding every 1-2 hours around the clock!
First sponge bath
(5 days old) 
First sponge bath
(5 days old) 
First time outside
(since coming home from the hospital!) (6 days old)
First photo shoot
(12 days old)
First bath!
(16 days old)
First walk
(Mommy had to get her blood pressure down before she could walk!)
(22 days old)


Who knew one tiny little baby could create so much laundry! I do her laundry every other day. The problem is that Avery has reflux... BAD reflux... projectile vomiting. It's definitely not a pretty sight. But because she spits up so much, I have to change her clothes, and mine, often. And I can't even count how many burp clothes I go through on a daily basis! 


We lucked out in the crying department. Avery rarely cries. The only time she cries is when something is really wrong, and even then she rarely has that "screaming" cry. The first time she REALLY cried, I thought I was the worst mother ever!! I didn't understand why she was crying. I changed her. I swaddled her. I shook her...just kidding! I was just making sure you were paying attention! ;-) And finally, I decided to feed her and she immediately stopped crying. Because she rarely cries, I am still trying to learn what each one means!


Having a baby in our home has definitely changed the way we do things! For starters, we eat meals around her schedule and sometimes we take shifts eating. Our cat and dog aren't too fond of her yet, but I think they're slowly warming up to her. And everywhere you turn you see a burp cloth or baby lotion or her bouncer or a bottle or pacifier. I've given up trying to keep the house clean!

Honestly, the first month wasn't as entertaining as I thought it would be, just exhausting! She mostly just layed around, while I catered to her every need (she's such a little diva)!

Her 2nd month has been more eventful! I'll have that blog soon!

I'm one month old! October 9, 2012

I'm one month old! October 9, 2012

1 comment:

  1. Both of my daughters had projectile vomiting. All over the lazy boy, myself, the carpet, everywhere, all the time. Then it slowly stopped after about 4 months. It will get better. She's such a beautiful doll. Y'all are very lucky.
