Friday, September 7, 2012

Bed Rest

So I thought I was going to have a typical Friday morning. I wake up, go to work, go to my weekly doctor appointment, go back to work, then go home. Little did I know that my Friday would go like this:

It started out like any other Friday. I left for work around 6:20am, and sat in more traffic than usual (gotta love Houston traffic!). Then I headed out for my doctor appointment around 9am. Since it's just a typical appointment, (check my weight, urine sample, blood pressure, baby's heart rate, and cervical dilation) I didn't think Neal needed to go with me, so I went alone. The nurse comes in and takes my blood pressure. It was 142/98. Of course she looked a little concerned. (I have been taking my blood pressure at home everyday and it has slowly been increasing over the last two weeks) I hadn't been feeling well the last few days, and had been having quite a few contractions, so I planned on talking to my doctor about it. Well, when she walks in, she apologizes immediately because one of her patients was having her baby and she was being paged. She didn't want to leave me sitting around, so she said she'd have to keep the appointment quick. My thought was, "Great! I'm having contractions, and she's not going to have any time to talk to me about it!"

She then proceeds to ask how I'm doing, and I tell her that I'm concerned about my blood pressure. She immediately tells me that she's putting me on bed rest. This is just great! I still have SO much that needs to be done at work and at home before Avery arrives!! I can't afford to spend my time on my @ss doing nothing! She then checked to see if I'm dilated, and yes, I am now dilated 1cm, and 50% effaced! So I'm glad to see that my body is starting to prepare for child birth!

Then, she informs me that they are going to have me do a 24 hour urine test. On Sunday, I will have to collect my urine for 24 hours, keep it stored in a jug that they gave me and store it in the fridge. (Sounds like my Sunday will be SO much fun...). Then, on Monday, I will go back to the doctor to turn in my urine sample and give them a blood sample.

My doctor then darts out of the room, as her pager goes off again. So, I proceed to get redressed. My mind is spinning, as I try to comprehend all the information that was just thrown at me. As I'm dressing, the doctor pops her head back in the room and says, "Oh, and if the urine and blood sample results come back and we don't like what we see, we will more than likely be inducing you next week." She gives me a concerned look, and walks out. I was in shock! So I stood there, half naked, all by myself, thinking... What the HELL just happened? I was supposed to have a REGULAR check up! Now I have to go back to work, pack up my things to prepare for my bed rest (I still plan to work from home), and possibly have a baby by NEXT WEEK!! This is A LOT to process. I think I am still in a bit of shock!

I'll keep you updated on what our next steps will be! Hopefully, the test results will come back normal, and I can continue to let Avery grow while I'm on bed rest! Prayers please!!!

Photos taken on Labor Day, September 3, 2012 (36 weeks pregnant)

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