Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Avery's 7th, 8th & 9th Months

Who knew having a baby was so time consuming! And add working into the mix, and I barely have any time to do anything, let alone write a blog! I am SO FAR behind, so I'm going to lump the last three months into one blog post! I'm going to keep it brief and use pictures to show her last 3 months! So, here it goes!

1st Easter

Avery's Baptism April 28, 2013

Avery's Baptism April 28, 2013

Crawling: She started crawling in April. Here's a video (I'm not sure if the link will work)

Teeth: She started getting her teeth in at 6 months old. As of 9 months, she has 8 teeth! And she sure knows how to use them!!!

Here she is at 8 months showing off her bottom teeth!

My First Mother's Day: We spent mother's day at my sister's house. It was a nice day!

Mommy and Avery!

Daycare: Avery started daycare in May. It's taken a little bit of adjustment, but she's finally getting used to it! She was having a hard time napping. I think she just enjoyed watching everything that was going on, that she didn't want to nap and miss anything!!

Avery's 1sst day at daycare!

First Time in a swimming pool, Memorial Day weekend: Avery loved the water!!!

1st time in the pool!

Family swim time!
She is so stylish!

Sleeping 12-13 hours at night! I don't have any photos for this, but I had to share because from about3 months to 8 months old, she would NOT sleep!! She was consistently waking up 1 or 2 times every night!! But now she sleeps from at least 8pm to 8am! YAY!!!

Just a few things she enjoys:
Her brother! Her face lights up when she sees Keeghan!!
Playing peek-a-boo
Music, including Old MacDonald, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and NKOTB!!! :-)
Food, even pickles!!
Her orange monkey! LOVES that thing!

She loves her brother!

She loves pickles, just like mommy!
Did I mention she loves her orange monkey?!?!

And one more photo: Avery months 5, 6, 7 and 8!

1 comment:

  1. Great update! My name is Heather and I was wondering if you could answer my question about your blog! Please email me when you get a free moment at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
