FINALLY getting compliments and I’m LOVING every minute of it! :-) After 5 months
of looking and feeling like crap, I’m starting to look pregnant instead of a
homeless woman in need of a shower, hairbrush and makeup. Maybe since I’m
starting to feel better, I’m starting to actually CARE what I look like.
it’s the new clothes I’m wearing. Maybe it’s the haircut I FINALLY went to get.
Maybe it’s because my hormones are finally starting to calm down a bit and my
face doesn’t look like a page from a children’s connect the dots book. Or maybe
it’s because I’m finally starting to look pregnant instead of just looking fat,
and it’s boosting my confidence. Or MAYBE, just maybe, everyone read my last
blog post and they are worried that I was talking about them, and now they are
trying to be nice and compliment me to make me feel better? I don’t really care
what it is, as long as this new attitude of mine lasts throughout the rest of this pregnancy! (I can't wait to look back at this blog when I'm nine months pregnant and laugh at myself and realize how naive I was!)
On another note, we had our anatomy scan on Friday, May 18th at 1pm. I was 20 weeks and 4 days at this appointment. We verified that she's still a girl (I sure was worried that she would be a he!). I made her specifically point out the girl parts and then print a picture for me so I can look at it every time I want to buy something pink! She's growing so much! She weighed 13oz., her heartbeat was at 137, she's within the normal range for all of the things they check for (which I couldn't tell you all of them - stupid brain of mine!), but I know they check the head circumference, length of the femur and other bones, etc. Her heart looks great and you can actually see the four chambers on the ultrasound - very cool!
Here's a few photos from the last ultrasound (20 weeks & 4 days):
Baby J's left arm |
Profile |
Face |
Right foot |
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21 Weeks |
.jpg) |
21 Weeks |
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