Tuesday, May 29, 2012

To My Mom

I know it’s not Mother’s Day, but I wanted to take a little time to thank my mom for having me!

Mom, I had no idea how much you put your body through for me (physically and mentally).  I wish they taught us this stuff in elementary school (Not the “Where do babies come from” part, but the “Respect your mother. Without her, you wouldn’t be here” part). I bet I wouldn’t have told you “I hate you!” or “I wish you weren't my mom!” I am truly sorry for those, and many more hurtful comments (which I never really meant) and other actions growing up. If I had known about the hormonal changes, the morning sickness, the growing pains & stretching, the swelling of feet and other body parts, the back aches, and ALL the other “wonderful” things that happen during pregnancy, I would have been a perfect little angel growing up!! I appreciate EVERYTHING you’ve done for me, even before I was born!! It’s sad that I have to go through it in order to actually understand it! And I can’t even imagine (but will soon experience) all the other things you (and your body) went through AFTER I was born (the late night feedings & diaper changes, the crying, stinky gas, the vomit, the screaming, the smelly diapers, the messy feedings, spit-ups, etc.).  

Thank you for selflessly carrying me in your tiny belly for nine months. Thank you for giving me a good home and upbringing.  Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for being patient with me (although I’m sure there were times when you wanted to choke or slap me. - Thank you for NOT choking or slapping me.). Thank you for teaching me the importance of family. Thank you for keeping me grounded. Thank you for teaching me about love, faith, the value of a dollar, right from wrong, how to fry food (Yum!), I could go on and on… This is my grand THANK YOU FOR BEING MY MOM! 

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