Pregnancy Advice & Other Comments
Yes, I am a first-time mom. Yes, I have no idea what I’m
doing. Yes, I could use your advice. But, I feel like every time I turn around,
someone is giving me advice. “No bumpers in the crib.” “Make sure you buy this
brand of diapers because they’re better.” “Don’t forget to rub lotion on your
belly.” “Don’t lay on your back.” “You really shouldn’t be eating that.” Oh,
the list goes on and on… Don’t get me wrong, I really like getting (good)
advice! It shows that you care about the baby and me… But SOMETIMES I’d like to
just have a grown-up conversation. I really miss those. You know “Did you see
the movie, The Vow?” “Did you hear about Bob and Sue breaking up?” or ANY
gossip that’s not related to a baby would be great. I feel like every
conversation I have lately is all about babies! I have 20 more weeks of being
FREE! (Don’t take that the wrong way; I’m excited to have a baby, but once
she’s here, it’s going to be all about her!) Let’s not spoil it by constantly
talking about how much weight I’m supposed to be gaining or what types of butt
cream is best for the baby.
Here’s the breakdown:
If the advice has anything to do with my weight, my diet or
exercise, I will ask my doctor. I trust her, and she knows what’s going on with
my body and the baby.
If the advice has anything to do with a baby product, I will
do some research. Also, not all babies react the same way to creams and
diapers, so that will probably be something that will have to wait until Baby J
comes into this world to find our favorite product.
Honestly, I understand that people give advice because they
care, but please limit your advice to ONE per conversation. That will help keep
me sane. And yes, I do listen to any and all advice that is given to me. And I truly appreciate it.
And don't get me started on the comments:
- "You're getting big!" - Duh! I'm growing a baby in there.
- "Shouldn't you be eating veggies instead?" - Fruits & vegetables alone will not ensure a healthy pregnancy. I also need protein in my diet. So a big fat juicy burger should do the trick... Oh, and I have lettuce on that burger, so there's my veggie.
- "That shirt's getting tight on you." - Another "duh" comment. My waist is expanding, but my wallet isn't, so just DEAL WITH IT... Unless you want to buy me a new wardrobe.
- "It's a girl? Are you excited?" - Um, why would someone ask that? What would you say if I had said no. It's a BABY! I'm just elated that I'm going to be a mom! I don't care if it's a boy, girl, or other. I'll love that little baby as much as I love pickles! (Only I won't eat her).
- "You look tired. Just wait until the baby gets here." - First of all, thanks. I really love the honesty. (Sarcasm) Just say it, "Wow. You look like shit." Second, I know a baby likes to eat, cry, sleep, poop, cry, vomit, cry, sleep some more, cry some more... This is not a new thing. Babies have been doing it since the beginning of human kind. You don't have to remind me every chance you get. I get it. I'm tired now because I'm growing a baby, and I'll be tired when she gets here. I've come to deal with it. These bags under my eyes are permanent! I'm doing it all for this little girl, and I couldn't be happier! :-)
- "My cousin's, co-worker's, neighbor's daughter didn't start showing until she was 6 months and you're already showing...(all said with a concerned look on their face)" This is probably the most offensive comment I could receive. Just admit it, you think because I'm "showing" at 4 months, that MUST mean I'm overeating and gaining too much weight. Well, I DON'T CARE ABOUT OTHER PREGNANCIES! Every woman is different and will start showing at different times. Some are luckier than others. I am not one of them.
Ok, I'm done venting! :-) Thanks for listening!
(By the way, if you're reading this thinking I'm talking about you, chances are I'm not. These comments are coming from so many different people that I can't even remember who said what!)
On a side note, I’ve made it to the half way point in the
pregnancy! It’s exciting and scary all at the same time! The first half of this
pregnancy flew by, and I know the second half will, too! There’s still SO much
that needs to be done before she gets here! My to-do list keeps growing!
Another random thought: I keep having these weird feelings
that the doctor read the ultrasound wrong and that we’re actually having a boy.
Any other moms have that fear when they found out the sex of their baby? We
have our anatomy scan on Friday, so hopefully we will get the same verdict as
before! (Insert nervous laughter here…) If it's a boy, he'll definitely be pretty in pink!
Photos from our last doctor appointment on April 25, 2012 (17 weeks and two days)
Photos from our last doctor appointment on April 25, 2012 (17 weeks and two days)
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Baby J facing down |
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Baby J's face |
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